Selasa, 26 Maret 2013


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Sopir angkot Bogor diterima Kepala DLLAJ

Rabu,  13 Maret 2013  −  11:29 WIB
Sopir angkot Bogor diterima Kepala DLLAJ
Tolak : Ratusan sopir tolak keberadaan APTB (Photo : Haryudi/ - Setelah hampir 15 menit berorasi dan menggelar spanduk ratusan sopir angkot langsung diterima oleh Kepala DLLAJ Kota Bogor Suharto beserta jajarannya.

Hingga berita ini diturunkan, pertemuan untuk mencari solusi terkait tuntutan para sopir angkot ini masih berlangsung di ruang rapat kantor DLLAJ.

"Kita lihat saja hasilnya, apa yang diinginkan sopir dan pengusaha angkot 03 ini. Menurut kami hanya karena kurang sosialisasi saja program APTB ini, sehingga dampaknya seperti ini," kata Kabid Angkutan Endang Suherman saat disela-sela aksi unjukrasa para sopir angkot di Jalan Raya Tajur, Bogor Timur, Kota Bogor.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, ratusan sopir angkutan kota (angkot) trayek 03 jurusan Bubulak-Baranangsiang, menggeruduk kantor Dinas Lalu Lintas Angkutan (DLLAJ) Kota Bogor, tadi siang.

Mereka menolak kehadiran Angkutan Perbatasan Terintegrasi Bustransjakarta (APTB), jurusan Bogor (Bubulak)-Jakarta (Rawamangun). Pasalnya, sejak diluncurkannya APTB, pendapatan mereka menurun.

Dalam aksinya, para sopir dan pemilik angkot 03, membawa spanduk dan poster bertuliskan 'Jangan matikan usaha kami', 'Angkot adalah kehidupan kami', 'Aing teu ridho, aing teu suka usaha aing diganggu,' dan banyak lagi tulisan berisi tuntutan penolakan APTB.

Cheat Doenhill Jam

All events
Enter "ADVENTURESOFKWANG" as a code to unlock all events. Note: The effect of this code is not saved.
  • All skaters
    Enter "IMINTERFACING" as a code to unlock all skaters. Note: The effect of this code is not saved.
  • All boards
    Enter "RAIDTHEWOODSHED" as a code to unlock all boards. Note: The effect of this code is not saved.
  • All movies
    Enter "FREEBOZZLER" as a code to unlock all movies. Note: The effect of this code is not saved.
  • Infinite boost
    Enter "OOTBAGHFOREVER" as a code.
  • Always special
    Enter "POINTHOGGER" as a code.
  • Manuals unlocked
    Enter "IMISSMANUALS" as a code. While playing the game, press D-pad Up, Down to do a manual.
  • Perfect rails
    Enter "LIKETILTINGAPLATE" as a code.
  • Perfect manuals
    Enter "TIGHTROPEWALKER" as a code.
  • Perfect stats
    Enter "IAMBOB" as a code.
  • Extreme car crashes
    Enter "WATCHFORDOORS" as a code.
  • First person view
    Enter "FIRSTPERSONJAM" as a code.
  • Demon skater
    Enter "EVILCHIMNEYSWEEP" as a code.
  • Giant skater
    Enter "IWANNABETALLTALL" as a code.
  • Invisible skater
    Enter "NOWYOUSEEME" as a code.
  • Mini skater
    Enter "DOWNTHERABBITHOLE" as a code.
  • Cheat Lost Saga

    Cheat Lost Saga Fullhack Skill No Delay+ 1 Hit Crusade Terbaru Setelah MT

    Fiture :

    • No Delay Skill(Unlimited ilmu)
    • 1HIT Crusade(Untuk Gebe :D)
    • 1HIT All Mode(Atut di Banned)
    • Double Peso
    • Double Expi
    • Anti Drop Damage(Auto ON)

    Tutorial :
    Cara penggunaan ada di dalam file

    NB : Kalo udh ceklis cheat langsung close aja gan cheatnya / tunggu 2-5 dtk, setelah itu close cheatnya

    silahkan klik link dibawah ini untuk mendownload Cheatnya :

    Free Download Cheat Lost Saga Fullhack Skill No Delay+ 1 Hit Crusade Terbaru Setelah MT [download]

    Semoga Cheat Lost Saga Fullhack Skill No Delay+ 1 Hit Crusade Terbaru Setelah MT masih work.

    Ujian Praktikum

    Katulampa Siaga I, Jakarta Rawan Banjir

    Katulampa Siaga I, Jakarta Rawan BanjirKOMPAS/ANTONY LEEBendung Katulampa di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat.
    JAKARTA, —  Bendungan Katulampa sudah memasuki Siaga I akibat hujan deras sepanjang hari di Bogor, Senin (4/3/2013).
    Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho mengatakan, dikhawatirkan bisa terjadi banjir seperti tanggal 15 Januari lalu di Jakarta. "Tempo hari banjir melanda Jakarta ketika posisi permukaan air di Katulampa 210 cm. Saat ini ketinggian muka air di Katulampa mencapai 250 cm," kata Sutopo.
    Pada pukul 17.40 WIB ketinggian air posisi 220 cm dan pukul 18.00 WIB naik menjadi 250 cm. Dengan kondisi level siaga tertinggi itu, kewenangan pengendaliannya langsung menjadi kewenangan Dirjen Sumber Daya Air Kementerian PU.
    Sutopo menambahkan, diperkirakan pada Selasa (5/3) pagi, yaitu sekitar pukul 03.00-05.00 WIB banjir bakal menggenangi permukiman sekitar Sungai Ciliwung. Tinggi banjir ini dapat lebih besar daripada banjir pada pada 15 Januari 2013 yang saat itu tinggi muka air Bendung Katulampa mencapai 210 cm.
    Daerah yang berpotensi terkena banjir adalah daerah sekitar bantaran Sungai Ciliwung: Rawajati, Kalibata, Pengadegan, Gang Arus/Cawang, Kebon Baru, Bukit Duri, Bidara Cina, dan Kampung Melayu.
    Masyakarat diminta meningkatkan kesiapsiagaannya terkait Siaga I untuk memantau dan merespons banjir yang berpotensi terjadi di Jakarta Timur: Kel Cililitan, Cawang, Bidara Cina, Kampung Melayu, Kebon Manggis; Jakarta Selatan: Kel Rawajati, Kalibata, Pengadegan, Kebon Baru, Bukit Duri.
    BNPB telah melakukan koordinasi dengan BPBD DKI Jakarta. Kepala BNPB telah memerintahkan Tim Reaksi Cepat BNPB untuk melakukan langkah-langkah antisipasi dengan menyiapkan logistik dan peralatan pada titik rawan banjir.

    Cheats, Tricks & Tips for Ninja Saga

    Cheats, Tricks & Tips for Ninja Saga

    Kabocha Samurai the new pet on Ninja Saga for Halloween 2011 Event.   Kabocha Samurai Skills: Kabocha Kiri Insert Chakra into his samurai sword and throw it to enemy Kab...
    Read More
    The new Kinjutsu: Phantom Impulse of Ninja Saga. Get it when you buy 2200 or 7500 Tokens for free. Kinjutsu: Phantom Impulse Review Gamer's Review: by Snowy Just to give e...
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    This Ninja Saga Level up Cheat is tested and working! The Cheat for Level 60 & 62 Mission will help you level up fast without getting ban. Try it now. Cheat Guide Download...
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    In case your Ninja Saga Character get Banned here's what you need to do: Send a message to Ninja Saga Dev's click here: ask nicely to recover your accoun...

    Cheat Rumble Racing (Nascar Rumble PS2)

    Cheat Rumble Racing (Nascar Rumble PS2)

    Masukkan kode di cheat menu:
    LEAITEPUC---Blue Devil
    HGIROLREL---High Roller
    ILETEC1MB---Jolly Roger
    KCEROCTEK---Redneck Rocket
    AEPPROPUC---Road Kill
    ABOGOBOGA---Road Trip Car
    VTYANIYTT---Van Itty
    NALDSHHSD---XXS Tomcat


    Resident Evil 4 Cheats & Codes

    3 Cheats

    Submit a Cheat.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Unlock Matilda Weapon

    Unlock the Matilda handgun (which fires 3 round bursts) by clearing the game.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Unockable: Mercenaries Mini-Game

    Beat the game to unlock the mercenaries mini game.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Unockable: Mercenaries Mini-Game Characters

    • To unlock Ada Wong in Mercenaries get a 4 star rating on the Pueblo map of the game.
    • To unlock Albert Wesker in Mercenaries get a 4 star rating on the Waterworld map of the game.
    • To unlock Hunk in Mercenaries get a 4 star rating on the Island Commando map of the game.
    • To unlock Jack Krauser in Mercenaries get a 4 star rating on the Castle map of the game.

    9 Unlockables

    Submit an Unlockable.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    S.T.A.R.S. Uniform

    To Unlock The S.T.A.R.S. Uniform You Must Complete The Game On Normal Or Hard Mode.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Rocket Launcher

    In order to unlock the Rocket Launcher Special you beat the game on Normal and you get a chance too buy the Matilda and the Infinite Launcher. The Matilda is $70,000 and the Infinite Launcher is $1000000.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Hand Cannon Weapon

    Get the five star ranking on the mercenaries mini-game to unlock the Handcannon.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Chicago Typewriter Weapon

    Beat Operation Ada, and the "Chicago Typewriter", a Thompson with 10.0 firepower, infinite ammo, no reload, and the fire rate of a maxed out TMP, becomes available at the merchant.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Exclusive Weapon Powers

    Each weapon has a special "exclusive power" when all of its stats are custom tuned to the maximum:
    • Handgun - Increases the chance of a headshot being fatal by a factor of five (5% or 20%, take your pick).
    • Punisher - Each bullet can penetrate up to five bodies.
    • Red 9 - Increases firepower to 5.0
    • Blacktail - Increases firepower to 3.4
    • Matilda - Increases magazine capacity to 100.
    • Shotgun - Increases the effective damage range of the gun.
    • Riotgun - Increases firepower to 10.0
    • Striker - Increases magazine capacity to 100.
    • Rifle - Increases firepower to 18.0
    • Semiauto Rifle - Decreases firing sp...
    [Show More]
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    New Game +

    When you beat the game you are able to keep all of your remaining weapons and items. Start a new game with the "cleared game" feature and buy that Infinite Launcher!
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Broken Butterfly Weapon

    In the hall south of the hedge maze there is a locked door. Return to that area with Ashley, piggy back with her and she will unlock the door. This reveals the broken butterfly.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Punisher Weapon

    You, know the guy, who runs around and sells you upgrades for weapons, he has a secret quest for you. You must search two areas of the game for blue medallions and shoot them. Finding and shooting more than 10 of the medallions will reward you with the punisher pistol. This weapon has slightly upgraded statistics and penetrating bullets.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Assignment Ada Mini-game

    Beat the game to unlock the mini game: Assignment Ada

    27 Hints

    Submit a Hint.
    Submitted by:greggyv

    Stock Up on Bug Eyes

    After you set down the King and Queens grail you come to a part where there are a bunch of the "bug" type enemies. You must shoot the chains to drop a bridge.
    If you have the patience to kill all the enemies, shoot the hive type thing in the middle of the room. It will go to a cutscene where it shows the hive fall into the pit and after there are about 10 items you can pick up, all of which are the "red, green, or blue eyes" used on the Butterfly Lamp. They can also be sold separately for easy money.
    Submitted by:bigdsnack

    Conserving Ammo

    When you are low on ammo but have to kill a few enemies try to group them together, shoot the frontman of the group in the head making him stumble then, run up and kick, this should knock down or push back all of the enemies. When they are on the ground simply knife them. Since they are grouped together you should be able to slash a few at a time killing multiple enemies quickly while only using one bullet.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Skip the Los Gigantes

    In the mines, when you fight two Gigantes, tehre's a zip line with a trap door switch at the. If you run back and forth using the zipline and ladder, you'll eventually overtake the zipline. When you do this, you'll ride it down and enter the wall. You can walk through the door from here and skip the fight.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Ashley's Sliding Puzzle

    To complete Ashley's puzzle with ease, take a look at the layout below:
    Numbering the slots from top to bottom in that manner, hit the following positions in this order: 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 3, 1, 7, 9. Watch out for the knights!
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Amber Ring

    At the Round of Insignia, in the tunnel, shoot down that shiny thing. The Amber Ring will fall out.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Maximize Leons Lifebar

    This process incurs several continues, which have no bearing on the game's ending. At the first El Gigante fight, there is a Yellow Herb in the boss arena. Take this item and combine it with any of the Green Herbs in the same room and use it. This increases Leon's lifebar slightly.
    Now let the boss kill Leon. Since the boss' room is at a map transition (the green OPEN command is a dead giveaway), this lets you continue right at the boss fight but with Leon's life increase from your previous attempt. Repeating this process will increase Leon's lifebar to maximum prematurely. Extra Yellow Her...
    [Show More]
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Mine Ride Bonus

    After the Mine Cart Ride, You must use timed Action Buttons to jump off the falling mine cart and get back on the outer side of the cliff. After, go to the next room and right as you step into the next room look to the left. There should be a pile of bones. Go up to them and the "TAKE" action button will appear. In the pile of bones will be all the gold from the enemies that you killed (Granados, not the Chainsaw men. So take you prize(that can go up to being 10,000) and leave rich.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Lava Bonus

    When battling the two Gigantes bosses in the lava room, drop one in the fire pit. Then kill the other normally. Collect the $15,000 from the first boss and choose to leave the room. Re-enter the lava room and the money from the second boss (dropped into the lava) will be on the lava pit's edge.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Knifing Krauser's Kneecaps

    Instead of wasting precious ammo on Krauser, wait until he gets close and exposes his vulnerable body (when he is not hiding behind his "wing") and slice his legs with Leon's knife. It's best to practice this on lone enemies beforehand. As long as you are alert to any "Dodge" opportunities, Leon should conserve a load of ammunition and be out of the fight fairly quickly.
    Submitted by Scarface
    Verified by DarkBlood999
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Church Bell Hijinks

    When you get to the graveyard for the first time, Run up by the church and shoot the bell, 3 not-zombies will come running from where you entered, shoot, grab items, repeat.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Avoid Being A Victim Of The Saw

    Early in the game, when Leon first enters the village, he should avoid the door that belongs to the building where Leon can get a free shotgun (the largest northeast building). Simply do not run into the house that triggers the cutscene. While Leon will still need to kill zombies to progress, he will not have to deal with the chainsaw enemies, who may be fairly tough on the out-set. After the bell rings, feel free to enter the house and collect the items and shotgun inside.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Defeating Verdugo (Alien/Salazar's Right Hand) Boss

    Not using the RL makes this fight harder, and in my opinion more fun, so try this if you choose not to buy a RL or don't have any cash. When you freeze him get close so the kick option appears, kick him down and he will stay frozen alot longer, allowing you to unload more rounds into him. Another tip if your using the BB when out of ammo freeze him at the next station reload THEN kick him over, you can still get at least 4 shots off. He will take about about 14 BB rounds at 20 damage a piece and a couple of Leon kicks to the face before he meets his doom. Plus you get an item worth 11000 P...
    [Show More]
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Hide And Wait In The Village

    When you first get to the village and you are having trouble escaping the chainsaw maniacs and other enemies, you can hide in a safe spot. Go to the tall tower in the east side of the village (check your map) and climb up the long ladder. The villagers cannot climb that particular ladder. This also works when you need to place Ashley in a safe spot when exploring this particular area.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Green Or White?

    Leon can't leave Ashley when he transitions into a new area (signified by the blurring effect); however, he can leave Ashley safe in the corner of a dangerous area then call her over when its safe. You can instantly tell if Leon is about to leave an area if the OPEN or context command is printed in green. If the command is printed in white, Leon will simply open the door to another section of the area. Use this to plan out where Leon can leave Ashley to brave the dangers ahead.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Chasing Ashley

    The enemies who captures Ashley will seek to leave by the nearest area exit; these are the exits that have the "green" OPEN or context command as opposed to the normal "white" text. If they manage to reach one of these exits, then the game is over. When leaving Ashley to do stuff alone, be sure not to leave her near a green exit door.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Big Money

    In the Castle after you get out of the sewer you will appear at the top of a large ball room wear there are some monks doing a sacrifice. If you alert them they all run away but if you throw a grenade down every single person you kill will drop a spinel or a los illuminados pendent.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Get Two Attacks on Saddler

    When fighting Saddler, knock him down and stand near his eyeball head so that the "Knife" action appears. Shoot him instead and then start tapping "A" to do the action attack as well.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Quick Side Turn

    While holding R, tilt the C-Stick left or right, then quickly release and pull the R trigger again. You will turn almost instantly towards that direction.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats


    If you are low on health spray and herbs when at the lake take aim at the fish and fire away. When you hit a fish it floats. Jump in the boat and ride over the fish and take it. Depending on the size of the fish it will give you health.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Los Gigante

    In Chapter 1-1, along the path towards the village you will run along a white dog trapped in a bear trap. If you help this dog he comes in handy later when you are fighting Los Gigante for the first time. About midway through the fight, you will hear the dog bark and he will come to your aid. Los Gigante becomes distracted, and begins to attack the dog rather than you.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Double Broken Butterfly Ammo

    If you buy the broken butterfly before you find it, you can hold twice the ammo. The shopkeeper will not sell you this gun if you already have it.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Raise Max Health

    If you mix: GREEN HERB + RED HERB + YELLOW HERB. It restores your health completely and raises your max health.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    The First Shotgun

    There are three main buildings in the village where you first see the chainsaw not-zombie. The shotgun is in the northeast building, on the second floor of the house.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Quick Aiming

    There is a quick way to center your gun when aiming up or down. Simply tap the L1 button (takes out your knife) and you will quickly aim straight ahead.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Snake in the Box

    Sometimes when you destroy the wooden crates a snake will jump out and bite you. If you keep slashing with your knife when the box breaks you can kill the snake and receive a healing egg.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    More Money for Beerstein and Elegant Mask

    When you find these items do not sell them right away. You can increase the value of the items with gems dropped by the flying bugs.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Free Ammo from Upgrades

    Whenever you upgrade your gun's capacity it fills the weapon with ammo. So don't reload before you buy the upgrade. This works great with weapons that have very little ammo (such as the magnum revolver 'Broken Butterfly'); after you use up the gun's magazine, simply look for the merchant and upgrade the ammo capacity.

    6 Easter Eggs

    Submit an Easter Egg.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Capcom R.I.P.

    In the graveyard just behind the entrance hall (the one you get to by the door on the stair landing) go to the fenced area. The camera angle will show some tomb stones in the foreground. On them is some Greek lettering. Chi alpha pi chi omicron mu. This spells out CAPCOM.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    The Lake Monster

    When you are at the lake before you face Del Lago (the thing in the water) stand on the dock right before the water and start firing into the water. The creature will not appreciate this.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    S.T.A.R.S. Warning

    Similar to the FBI Warning on commercial movies, a S.T.A.R.S. and Racoon City Police Department warning is in the game. Check out the end of the credits.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    King Leon

    In chapter 5-3, right before the room with the lasers, there's a red throne room. Approach the throne and hit 'A' to have Leon sit upon the throne in all his glory.
    Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

    Capcom Game Promo

    Late in the game, Leon will stumble across a weapon aptly called the Killer 7, an obvious tip of the hat to Capcom's Killer 7 videogame.
    Submitted by:ign_cheats

    Look Up Ashley's Dress

    When Ashley is standing on a ledge and you are below her, look up at her and she will hold down her skirt and say something about you being a pervert and one or two other funny lines.